Tuesday, March 16, 2010

10 days!!!

It's been 10 days since my last blahg update!!

Well, that's not saying much because before this I was going months without any sort of info here at the dunnspace. So, what's going on with me? Mirror time.

You know, when you take a moment to look in the mirror and really evaluate what you are, who you are and what you're doing with your life. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking at any drastic life changes. I'm not "sick of my life, my job, I need a change!". I'm talking about looking at yourself, and making sure you are on the right path.

Every day is a battle. We need to look at each day as a victory or a setback and take account for what's happening. At the end of the day, did I do all I could do to fend off Satan's attacks and show that I am on the right side? It takes a daily review like this when the battle is being fought and there's no time to slack. Because he's going to take the first opportunity he sees and there's no room for slipping up this close to the end.

So a good preparation is a look at the Daily Text. Yesterday was exceptionally timely with Ecc 7:2. Today is very encouraging at Ps 71:12. Take the time, evaluate yourself and what you are doing during the course of the day, and WIN the battle!

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