Thursday, May 9, 2013

Beer Review: Mother Earth Brew Co (CA) Hop Diggity

 New Feature!! This is more of a personal notebook of new beers that I'm trying, rather than any real review format. Gonna share some thoughts, without getting too in-depth. I'll also give it a personal rating.

So, first up is Hop Diggity from Mother Earth Brew Co, in Vista California. I say this part only because there is another Mother Earth. Mother Earth Brewing from North Carolina. I haven't been able to try any of the East Coast brewery's beers, but I have had a few from here in SD county.

Very nice Double IPA, checking in at 8% ABV. Good and hoppy, with a balanced malt kick! I poured this into my 8 oz glass, so it took a few fills to finish and savor the whole bottle, and my last pour I didn't realize that there was a fair amount of yeast sediment in the bottom. No worries, it didn't affect the flavor too much at this point.

Overall a very tasty DIPA.

7 out of 10 pints.

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