Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to add a link on


Click on the pictures to make biggy...

First, type how you want the link to look.

Then select what you typed

While text is still selected, hit the LINK button

A pop up window tells you to add your URL. DO IT!!!

Then it should look like this...

And you post will look like this!

Thank you and have a great day!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Brew Day! Extra Pale Ale!

So I had a very nice brew day today. Hit my temps, cleaned everything up nice, just an overall good brewing day.

I think the primary reason that my session was so successful is my new grain bag.
This being my 3rd attempt at a partial mash, I finally hit my target mash temperature, and held it for most of the 60 minute mash. Previously I had all of my grain in my small steeping bag, and it just sat in the middle of the brew pot. Today I bought a 5 gallon fine mesh paint strainer bag and it was so nice! It fit over the top of my brew pot, and I just poured the grain in, mixing it well before making sure my temperature was correct.

I feel this made a huge difference, where my previous attempts made it much harder to gage the correct temperature. The only snag I had was I forgot to add my extract! I've started to employ a late extract addition (last 15 minutes) and everything was going so well that I forgot to put it in! I placed the pot in the ice bath to cool it down, when I noticed the large plastic tub sitting on the table. Doh!

Oh well, I added the extract, boiled for a few more minutes and all was well.

Can't wait to try it!!


4 lbs Pale LME
2 lbs 2-row
1/2 lb. Caramunich
1/2 lb. Belgian Carapils
1/2 lb.Crystal 20L

1 oz. Willamette hops (60 min boil)

1 oz. Willamette (30 min boil)

Add Extract (15 min boil)
1 oz. Willamette (15 min boil)
1 tsp. Irish Moss (15 min boil)

1/2 oz. Cascade (End of boil)
1 oz. Willamette (End of Boil)

2 oz. Cascade (Dry Hop)
1/2 oz. Willamette (Dry Hop)

WLP001 yeast, from a 1000ml starter

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Behold! Stone 14th Anniversary Emperial IPA

Stone Brewing Co announces their 14th anniversary beer.
Behold! Stone 14th Anniversary Emperial IPA

Posted using ShareThis

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

10 days!!!

It's been 10 days since my last blahg update!!

Well, that's not saying much because before this I was going months without any sort of info here at the dunnspace. So, what's going on with me? Mirror time.

You know, when you take a moment to look in the mirror and really evaluate what you are, who you are and what you're doing with your life. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking at any drastic life changes. I'm not "sick of my life, my job, I need a change!". I'm talking about looking at yourself, and making sure you are on the right path.

Every day is a battle. We need to look at each day as a victory or a setback and take account for what's happening. At the end of the day, did I do all I could do to fend off Satan's attacks and show that I am on the right side? It takes a daily review like this when the battle is being fought and there's no time to slack. Because he's going to take the first opportunity he sees and there's no room for slipping up this close to the end.

So a good preparation is a look at the Daily Text. Yesterday was exceptionally timely with Ecc 7:2. Today is very encouraging at Ps 71:12. Take the time, evaluate yourself and what you are doing during the course of the day, and WIN the battle!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Frog Fail

Hee hee...
I don't know why I think this is so funny! I think it's the little arms reaching for what's not there. Maybe it's the dragonfly thinking "Ha! I got away!!".

Or maybe it's the sound I hear in my head. The combination of "whooop!" and the sad trombone.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Squirrel Fishing!!

"No Squirrels were harmed in the making of this video"

"To catch a squirrel is much like catching a monkey. It takes patience..."

Did you see LOST last night?

I did, but Karin fell asleep so I won't say anything about it yet.

I know it wasn't a Desmond episode, but I wanted to make this picture and found this site that can do it for you! Quick and easy, check it out at: Obama Icon ME.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Beer Label Design

I'm finally getting around to designing a label for my homebrew. Here is the initial design (click on it to make it bigger). I still need to add some elements/designs in the white area around the middle picture. I'm still not sure if I want to make that part of the individual labels, or part of the base template that will be on all the labels.

As of now, the only thing that will change is the name of the beer on the bottom, and the picture in the middle.

Now I need to think of clever names for each of the beers I make.
That sounds like more work than I want to do....

UPDATE: I added some more elements. I think this might be it, save for a little bit of tweaking.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Yep. That's pretty much how I feel right now. Maybe later I'll be inspired to post something er,...uhm.. Inspiring?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

No More Cast!!

Adrian got his cast off today! I'll come back and post a picture with his cast (I thought this one showed it, but you can't see it :-/), and another with him with no cast!

Old Testament quiz at Mental Floss

From Adam to Zephaniah

Score: 100% (15 out of 15)

These quizes over at Mental Floss are usually pretty hard, but if you are even remotely familiar with the Bible, these will be a piece of cake!

via Neatorama

Network Down!!

So, once again my webhost is down. This is the third time this has happened since I've been with them. I've actually used them for a long time (maybe 6-7 years?), but each time this happens I get zero support and even less explanations!

Discussions going on Here and a couple of blogs about the situation here and here.

I think it's time to move on...

Their BBB rating is an F.

Server's back up...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Here is a picture of a cat.

He's watching you....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chargers and L.T. Part Ways

I am really bummed about this, but I guess it was inevitable. The offensive scheme of the Chargers has shifted over the last couple of seasons, and Philip Rivers has really taken command as the leader of this team. It's been obvious that the LT we all knew and loved has "lost a step", but I really think he could have still contributed to this team.

That being said, I understand it's a business and players are just commodities, traded and dropped like something that get's traded or dropped. What's gonna happen if he goes to New Orleans and they win another Super Bowl?!? There's already enough mumblings about letting Drew Brees go. Not that I think that might happen...

Bottom line is, I wish the best for LT. But if he succeeds somewhere else, does that prove that we were all wrong? It's kind of lose-lose. If he falls on his face, we would hate to see this guy we all love be embarrassed. But if he has a 1000 yard season, we look like dopes for letting him go.

Good thing it's just Football. ;-)

Monday, February 22, 2010

CA Imperial Stout

12 lbs Pale LME
1 lb. Crystal 40L
1/2 lb. Chocolate Malt
1/2 lb. Black Patent
1/2 lb. Roasted

1 oz. Cascade hops (60 min boil)
1 oz. Cascade (30 min boil)
1 oz. Cascade (15 min)
1 oz. Willamette hops (5 min late boil)
1 oz. Willamette hops (end of boil)

White Labs WLP005


So I made this recipe once before, but this time I altered it a little bit because I have a pound each of Cascade and Willamette hops. Brewed it on Sunday, Feb 14 with the help of my friend Jonathon, and I racked it to secondary last night. This picture is from the day after we brewed it. Nice krausen has formed, and it bubbling away! I'm going to let this sit in the fermenter for a while, maybe a couple of months.

Next up, I think I'm going to attempt a lager!